Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First day

Obviously I have had first days at work before....but this week I got a new adventure all over again....and I love it!

Changes, and a little but of a roller coaster getting use to things...but it is pretty fantastic.

I really wish I could tell the bizarre Internet world is not the time as I have wayyy too many new things to catch up on!

Wall art

So I have never really made my own things for my wall, 'artsy' decorations so to say.

So for this little project I first made a lot of felt flowers. I made a couple huge ones an had trouble filled out all of the biggest one (it would take a ton of felt!!) and set a small one in the middle....this also helped to make sure that it wasn't crazy big and sticking out of the wall.

I couldn't figure out what to do with them for a few I waited and debating where and how to place them on the wall. I knew I wanted an art piece but beyond that I was totally clueless...until I went hunting for I painted one a dark grey and then covered it in modge podge to give it a finished look....then I hot glued it like is the finished product.

State of the Union

Note: this post is to be as unpolitical as possible, and I have no desire for anyone to know my political thoughts, feelings, or beliefs.

So yesterday, for the first time EVER I watched the entire state of the union address. I had never before seen the entire thing...and have mixed feelings about all of it. I think most opinions I have heard about it were negative, often from people with one sided opinions.

There are positives and negatives....but I watched the entire thing.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wine party!

Ok so another tidbit about me? I am NOT a wine person....i try, but it rarely happens that I find a wine I like. I did find one at a friends wedding last summer... was pretty good. But that ONE wine plus one sparkling wine are all that has gained my interest.

Well today I went to a wine party...a few different wines...some good snacks....GREAT company and a good time was had by all. I didn't love any of the wine but a couple of them came close and I am SUPER proud of myself for trying all of them! And I gave them a fair know you are supposed to have 3 sips to actually try wine?

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Ok so I have never hung up curtains.... Ever! I Never bothered with them in our old place....never bothered in my own room as a kid. I did have some awesome weird beaded things in Kansas but nothing in any other memory. So I am VERY proud to say that not only have I finally bothered to HANG curtains...but that I have MADE said curtains! I am telling you....having huge chunks of fabric and having to make a crazy long perfect cut is intimidating....and probably why I didn't get them done sooner than I did. But they are done (until the imperfections drive me nuts an I reseam, and I still need the little things on the side to hold the outer ones. I finally figure out ironing a seam in them is the perfect way to get that crazy long cut accurate.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Paprika chicken

AMAZING!!! Rachael Ray had this recipe on her show last week...and I have been waiting for a chance to try it. I also wanted the first recipe (other than leftover pizza) in my new kitchen to be a new one. I can make casserole and spaghetti all night long, but that is nothing new, also I had everything the spicy pepper already on hand (except I had to restock on garlic and onion) which made the process of making it super easy and I had to get stuff from my old kitchen anyways.

Ok so the process: the first thing I had to do was roast all the peppers in the oven (my broiler works!) after a little while I thought something smelled a little bit off. Like not like peppers....I open my oven to check my pepper status and there....on the top shelf.....near the back....was a piece of pizza....I guess that is the downside to using your oven to reheat stuff.

So the idea of butter and poppyseeds over egg noodles? AMAZING! I wanted to just eat it! (ok so I did have it as a little snack before Matt got home) the sauce was amazing...I really should have taken photos....but google her website! I did skip the chives and the parsley and use dried thyme, but when I get my indoor herb garden going that will all change :-)

Matt had a second helping: that is success in my book! After his second helping we realized we had no way to heat it I took the leftovers to my parent's house...they loved it...making this again!!

No microwave

As I wrote previously upon moving they gave us an opportunity to pick between two places. One of them (that we had originally planned) ha a welcome basket out for us and was all set to go. The other one was missing a microwave but had new carpet and floors. So we went with the new floors...our microwave is on the way but they had to order a new one. Because of this I am realizing how much I use my microwave!

On Saturday night after moving all day we ordered pizza for ourselves and Heather (really I still owe her a million favors for all her help but pizza was a step!) we ordered two large pizzas and had a few pieces left over for last night after lots of other work and moving the large stuff. Weird tid bit about me? I do not like cold food....unless it is made to be eaten cold like salad and then I like it ICE COLD. So the question is how do I eat pizza when I do NOT eat cold pizza? Well I do what they always tell you to do for the best flavor, but that most of us are too lazy to do. I pulled out a cookie sheet threw on the oven and heated it up! It was DELISH no burning my mouth or cheese melting fast and trying to stick to the plate....totally worth it and I might just do this again! It also worked well because I could heat it up, Ed my share, and leave it in the off oven for Mr. Perf who was picking up one last load of stuff.

The time that I seem I use my microwave the most is actually to jest us my coffee....same thing ice cold or piping hot and I went with the piping hot early this morning. To heat it back up? My milk and espresso reheating on the stove....constantly all day is a downer....but it works!

Ahh the adventure!


I have obviously not lived in the same home my entire life. I am 20-something so there was the "I am a minor and have no choice" that brought me to this LOVELY state and then moving to our old apartment with my husband. But there is also a large difference. 3 1/2 years ago when we moved it was separate. We took stuff that had been 'mine' and 'his' from separate locations and put it all into one place. Also our wedding gifts had not yet given us a lt of 'stuff' to move. Now it is another story.

Saturday Mr. Perf got off of work early, and with my work schedule changing around this week before I start my new job at the end of the month. With those things considered we decided that it would be a good idea to go ahead and start moving this weekend instead of next.

Agh moving.....the really cool thing? We already had an apartment picked out and set but she told us there was a choice and actually let us go look so we picked the other one. A couple of small things that need fixed but otherwise good. I love our new place.

The process of moving? I do not love.

I am honestly not sure I could have for it without the help of my dear friend Heather. With her help most of our small essentials were moved by Saturday night. And with the help of y parents all the big stuff but our grill have been moved and we were able to spend last night in our new place. I love it, Mr. Perf loves it, and Molly loves it.

There are still stray items at our old place....I am not looking forward I the time spent over there over the next couple weeks to clear it out but I am anticipating a lot of trips to the g-will because chances are a lot of us is just stuff that will create more clutter.

Looking forward to this being 100% home and clearing the other stuff out!


Eyebrows threaded

Eek! So when I started this little project one of the things on my list was getting my eyebrows threaded. When my boss at the office suggested we go after work Friday I went for it. A. Because I was in need of something else for the list and B. my eyebrows could totally use it.

The thing that has always had me against the whole threaded eyebrows thing is the location....a booth in the middle of the mall? When EVERYONE in the world can walk by and see you? Hmm.....fortunately there is a small road less traveled 'mall' close to the office that has a booth so we went for it. After being told by one of the girls in the office how much it hurt I was a little nervous....I forget that my pain tolerance is abnormally high (or it just didn't hurt but my pain tolerance is high)

The only weird part was stretching my own eyebrow. In the process I had one hand that was practically digging Iinti my is a miracle I can still see. Other than that? Simple and pretty painless though I could hear practically hear something ripping.

Ahhh adventures.

Business card drop

A few weeks ago I went to lunch with some girls from the office and noticed that there was a little fish bowl to drop your business card and possibly get a free burrito. They all participated, I on the other hand, who has never done such a thing, saved mine until sometime in 2012.

That sometime occurred on Friday. I had sent my order in so that I could grab it and go back to my other job. As I was walking out I fished my business card holder out of my black hole of a purse and dropped it in the dish. Not an amazing experience but for someone who has had business cards of her own for about 7 months was totally needed. Let me know if you need a stack of my cards to enter me in said drawing. ;-)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chocolate eclair

When I found this on Pinterest I knew I had to try it. The only thing I really knew about éclairs up to this point was that there is an ice cream company that makes a to die for chocolate eclair ice cream stick thing. It is amazing. Slightly melted....if not for the calories (that I try/pretend to try to care about). I would eat them all day all summer.

Of course this was different than ice cream....because it isn't ice cream!

First? The crust....after whipping it together and putting it in the got really 'peaky' and I had to push it down before it finished cooking.

The filling was a chocolate pudding and cream cheese mixture....amazing!!

Evidently it tasted like a cream puff (never had one) but I can tell you between my hubby and my parents and I we ate a really big chunk of it...recipe to be posted later

Chicken....spicy and sweet?

For Christmas some dear friends of ours gave us some garden goodies. Among them? Dried hot peppers....I have been excited to try them for ages! I decided this weekend would be a good time to do so. Using the sweet and spicy DIPPING sauce recipe she recommended I decided to whip up the sauce and throw it in the crock pot with the chicken. The sauce on its own? AMAZING. The sad thing....after sitting in the crock pot for a few houris the sugar seemed to cook into the chicken making it pretty sweet :-( (or something?). I will totally be making it again without the crock pot...and from here on out browning any meat going into the crock pot....that is one step I always leave out...

Friday, January 6, 2012


No I am not going anywhere. But another first happened last night. A farewell to some of my coworkers. Now I worked in a coffee chain for about 4 years. I have seen people leave, not every day, but fairly often. The difference is that these three are transferring to another office in another city. Wrapped in this were all sorts of things for a very new experience.

1. There are just some areas of town that I rarely go to, and never go to at night. That is just how it is. Not that I am afraid of such places, but more that I just don't have the party lifestyle and enjoyment that comes with certain areas at certain times. Was some of the crowd a bit different than at usual social gatherings? Probably but I wasn't there to hang out with the crazies so it worked out.

2. A live band. I have never gone to eat or hang out anywhere (other than a loc concert) that they had live band. And of course the largest table for our group? Right by the band....we had all sorts of pretend conversation for lack of being able to hear. Something I loved? Not really? As you will learn throughout this year if you don't already know...I am totally tone deaf and barely notice music....but this was very noticeable.

The restraunt/brewery that we went to was very new. I am not a beer person so that wasn't that exciting of an experience, as well as not wanting anything because of exciting things happening today. But I have never been with a group this large somewhere like this where we weren't all stuck at he table the whole time so your conversations are short and sweet.

This experience wrapped in a package is my new thing for the day. Yes I have sheltered myself a lot in the past. Keep it real 2012.


Ugh! So one thing that has never happened to me was crawling over my counter first thing yesterday morning. Ants. Please don't find me disgusting. I think i clean my counters more in one week than most people do in 3 months. Seriously at least once a day after doing something in the kitchen. And please don't think I am dumb I clean the cabinets and pantry out a lot too, especially as we are getting ready to move. The good news? I know where the came from.

Being the intelligent person that I am I picked some parsley from my mom's garden. I also bought some basil and green onions fresh...not much time goes by they are happy in their new home in a bowl on my counter before bam ants. The good news is I haven't seen any this morning and left detergent out for them. So I have survived and conquered my first ant attack in less than 24 hours. BAM!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Mr. Perfect has a birthday

So when I started this project it didn't take long for me to realize that it would be part confessions. I started dating my husband in May of 2005....this is the 7th birthday that he has had over that time. my big confession you ask? NEVER over that time have I boughten him a birthday present and actually given it to him ON his birthday. There are reasons for this of course... You see I am horrible when it comes to gifts. I love giving gifts and if I think that I have a good idea....I give it to the person nearly as soon as I get home from the store. That combined with the fact that his birthday is so close to Christmas are reasons he never gets a birthday gift on his birthday. The horrible part is he k OSS I am bad wit gifts and ever since I let it slip that I bought him a gift a week ago he has been on my case about it. Guessing and trying to get it out of me. All the more reason that this is a huge victorious first for me.

And I did it in a big way.

I got him two parts of a gift, and planned it out well! We left the house this morning and went out to breakfast. While we were gone my parents delivered the larger part to our place for me, so it was waiting in the living room. After breakfast we went to my parents house (that is where the gift was because let's face it I can't have it sitting around for a week and not either let him open it or tell him what it is) he unwrapped it, we chatted and then headed home. BAM there is the bigger part....I was jumping up and down! I am so proud of myself!

Happy birthday to my amazing husband!

363 left!

Mozzarella sticks

Wow! A pretty excited success! As friends wee arriving I took the last batch out of the pot and got them to stay warm in the oven. Then I was able to wipe the counter down a bit. I will post the link where I got the recipe a bit later :-)

Let me just say that this was my first time ever frying ANYTHING I knowit is not the most healthy way to go but it was good and another new experience for my chart of 2012!

I also tried some buttermilk ranch dip....not so amazing...but to each their own you live and learn I guess! The marinara was quite good!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dried Pears

Happy New Year!  The year of adventure is here!

i am very excited to share with you my first new adventure of 2012.  Dried pears.  I had never had dried pears until it showed up in one of our Holiday Gift boxes at the office.  As soon as I tried them I was determined to add it to my adventure list for this year.  As I was shopping in the bulk food store's produce section there was a great deal on pears....and so my adventure began.

First I ate a couple pears....just the pears normal.....delish.

I have always known that when you dry fruit a little lemon juice will stop them from browning.  I whipped open the fridge and only had lime juice....i figured why not? Sometimes it is nice to just roll with the punches.  I threw the rest of the bottle (about 2 cups) into a bowl and started peeling and chopping the pears.  I let them soak while I ran to my parents and borrowed their food dehydrator (best invention ever they may never get it back) Over the next 12 hours I was snacking on them constantly.  I prefer with with a little bit of chewiness...and the lime juice made them amazing and just a tad bit tart.  It was fantastic.

So dried pears....a success!!! And even better that I added a little bit of my own flair to a perfect world (without so many new adventures) I would set the dehydrator up every night and have a treat by morning....

Some other adventures coming up soon?  Mozerella sticks (whipped them up this afternoon for an impromptu gathering tonight), and tomorrow is Mr. Perfect's I will let you know about that adventure as soon as he does!

365 left!