Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homemade cleaning peoducts

Seriously I have a new obsession. Actually that is not true....I have always had a cleaning counter obsession. Like all the time before and after I even make a sandwich. It is a bit crazy.

Anyways about a month and a half ago i got this amazing cleaner. At least it seamed to at the time...super strength stuff and probably not meant for consistent use.... And it didn't smell good and it made me dizzy. But I loved it. Used for everything. Carpets etc. but like I said the crazy strength came with a lot of near dizziness. And so begins my idea for something better.

The search started looking for the febreeze recipe I pinned on Pinterest ages ago....cause it sounded cool and I knew I had the stuff so I went for it but the baking soda was a bit chunky....

In this same search I discovered all purpose cleaner....make it yourself. And I could not resist...honestly my counters seem cleaner....so worth the initial cost of things! And I can not stop cleaning with it... I love it....an lavender....that is great no gross chemical smell! (and rumor has it lavender is a NATURAL disinfectant!) it cannot get better!


  1. I LOVE homemade cleaning products! We make our own laundry soap, hand soap/body wash, dishwasher soap, disinfectant, carpet powder, glass cleaner, baby wipes, and febreeze. We also are getting ready to try homemade dryer sheets!

  2. Please share! I am in need of pretty much everything except counter tops! Except I did read that if you soak a hand towel in liquid fabric softener ad let it dry completely and then throw it in the wash it works well....and so far it is amazing!

  3. Do you follow me on Pinterest? I have some of my homemade recipes pinned up there. Some of my favorites are not on there, though. I can certainly pass on some links! I'll facebook message you (probably tomorrow)!
