Thursday, February 9, 2012

No more keys

Wow! So much has happened over the last couple weeks I have barely had time to blog about it! I have a lot of catching up to do! (hopefully I don't forget any of them)

But today was a whole new experience. About 6 years ago I tuned in a key to a dorm room. That key meant nothing to me as I never really used it because of our suite situation and someone usually being there. So when I turned it in I didn't care. I actually have no memory of turning it in as I left, but I must have, because I got back my deposit and no longer have the key.

When I moved out of my parents house I didn't return their key. I still have it, and I still use it for things like dropping off food or the dog.

So today I can officially say that I turned in my first set of house keys. Our last day to leave our old place is today, soi gathered them up (except hubby needs to grab his) and took them down. I did a last walk through (where I grabbed a door mat and bleach that was left) and turned the keys in. Our apartment managers are great but the feeling was sort of surreal. If you are like me you get attached to you keys, carry then with you everywhere, when you travel it is weird not to have them, or even not to have a whole set if your car is getting worked on for the day. So getting rid of amenities, home, and mailbox keys all at once is a little bit crazy. But also pretty cool, I like the feeling of being done with that place, I liked it and we were happy there, but now I feel like we are completely moved....and it is amazing!

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