Thursday, July 11, 2013

The summer

So I will start with a brief list of some of my "new things" the past few months.  If I am super awesome I will also update this post laster and include the links to the blog entries about them with any recipes etc......but don't get your hopes up.

Redid the table
vegetarian enchiladas
chocolate eclair cake (different and better recipe than the one last year)
key lime cheesecake
direction ribbon
book volunteering
fancy clipboards
labeled supply box

Ok like I said short list....especially considering that I have had most of the summer so far....just saying. (That does remind me I worked LAST summer for 3 hours at a fireworks stand sorry no more tangents)

I know that I mentioned in November or December how nice and yet different it was to have vacation/time off that was actually down time and time off.  Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break were all mostly like that, little to do, decent amount of down time and then back to the grind.  You would think that with this break being LONGER that I would have this mixture of down time, perfect relaxation, and pinterest projects galore.  Well let me start by saying I have no idea HOW it happened but that perfect down time isn't coming around this summer.  Maybe it is the 16 day heat wave that leaves me no desire to breathe, maybe it is the fear of the unknown lists of things that I need to get done, like I think I am forgetting something on a constant basis.  Maybe it is my inability to run a single errand without coming home with something that I absolutely positively must have going into next year.  It really could be any combination of all of these things, I am not sure.

For one, I feel like this is my LAST week of down time vacation....just a heads up it is Thursday and  I have pretty much been trying to be productive most of this time.  I am not sure if I over committed myself, or if some of that to do list was just a little bit too long.  This summer has been an adventure, and a part of me is ready for next year in a way that I can't wait for this summer to end, I want to move on.  There is another part of me preparing for next year in a way that I am worrying I am missing something big or forgetting something.  I guess I will update as time goes on about my plans for the next two weeks, and then it will be a little bit more apparent why I feel like this is the last week that I have of down time.....ahh the adventure!

Thank you to my SEVEN loyal followers! I am glad I have people still following an ambition that is probably not a lost cause!

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