Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chocolate eclair

When I found this on Pinterest I knew I had to try it. The only thing I really knew about éclairs up to this point was that there is an ice cream company that makes a to die for chocolate eclair ice cream stick thing. It is amazing. Slightly melted....if not for the calories (that I try/pretend to try to care about). I would eat them all day all summer.

Of course this was different than ice cream....because it isn't ice cream!

First? The crust....after whipping it together and putting it in the oven....it got really 'peaky' and I had to push it down before it finished cooking.

The filling was a chocolate pudding and cream cheese mixture....amazing!!

Evidently it tasted like a cream puff (never had one) but I can tell you between my hubby and my parents and I we ate a really big chunk of it...recipe to be posted later

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