So when I started this project it didn't take long for me to realize that it would be part confessions. I started dating my husband in May of 2005....this is the 7th birthday that he has had over that time. my big confession you ask? NEVER over that time have I boughten him a birthday present and actually given it to him ON his birthday. There are reasons for this of course... You see I am horrible when it comes to gifts. I love giving gifts and if I think that I have a good idea....I give it to the person nearly as soon as I get home from the store. That combined with the fact that his birthday is so close to Christmas are reasons he never gets a birthday gift on his birthday. The horrible part is he k OSS I am bad wit gifts and ever since I let it slip that I bought him a gift a week ago he has been on my case about it. Guessing and trying to get it out of me. All the more reason that this is a huge victorious first for me.
And I did it in a big way.
I got him two parts of a gift, and planned it out well! We left the house this morning and went out to breakfast. While we were gone my parents delivered the larger part to our place for me, so it was waiting in the living room. After breakfast we went to my parents house (that is where the gift was because let's face it I can't have it sitting around for a week and not either let him open it or tell him what it is) he unwrapped it, we chatted and then headed home. BAM there is the bigger part....I was jumping up and down! I am so proud of myself!
Happy birthday to my amazing husband!
363 left!
WHAT was it????