Monday, January 16, 2012


I have obviously not lived in the same home my entire life. I am 20-something so there was the "I am a minor and have no choice" that brought me to this LOVELY state and then moving to our old apartment with my husband. But there is also a large difference. 3 1/2 years ago when we moved it was separate. We took stuff that had been 'mine' and 'his' from separate locations and put it all into one place. Also our wedding gifts had not yet given us a lt of 'stuff' to move. Now it is another story.

Saturday Mr. Perf got off of work early, and with my work schedule changing around this week before I start my new job at the end of the month. With those things considered we decided that it would be a good idea to go ahead and start moving this weekend instead of next.

Agh moving.....the really cool thing? We already had an apartment picked out and set but she told us there was a choice and actually let us go look so we picked the other one. A couple of small things that need fixed but otherwise good. I love our new place.

The process of moving? I do not love.

I am honestly not sure I could have for it without the help of my dear friend Heather. With her help most of our small essentials were moved by Saturday night. And with the help of y parents all the big stuff but our grill have been moved and we were able to spend last night in our new place. I love it, Mr. Perf loves it, and Molly loves it.

There are still stray items at our old place....I am not looking forward I the time spent over there over the next couple weeks to clear it out but I am anticipating a lot of trips to the g-will because chances are a lot of us is just stuff that will create more clutter.

Looking forward to this being 100% home and clearing the other stuff out!


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