Monday, December 31, 2012

First Vacation

Ok, so before you think that I am crazy and have never gone anywhere or had a break take a breath.

But I realized that these blissful weeks off are my first vacation.
Let me explain.

Throughout high school and before hand I did, of course, get a usual Christmas break at school.  I would spend this time relaxing and enjoying myself, and often with a trip to Nebraska for Christmas to see family and spend a week or so there.

Then I left high school and entered the pre-real world.  I was in school and got a winter break, but I also started working, and that break was work.  My freshman year I spent my break readjusting, moving, re-enrolling, and arguing about classes etc. and way more time waiting around in counselor and financial aid offices than I ever imagined.  For the next few years and breaks after that (the last 5 years) I was  taking classes and working, cutting my 2+ week break into only a couple days at a time.  Then I left my coffee house job and started working towards my teaching credential, but I was still working part time and over break I was able to get a lot more time in and I wanted the extra money.  Then I started working part time in education and an office and it was the same story.

Now here I am with a break.  I have gone a little bit stir crazy (and still have some time left)  But it is really good to relax, get done those millions of things that I have been too busy to do the last few months, and usually/hopefully get a nice run in with my molly pup.

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