Friday, November 2, 2012

Hummus Attempt (but perfect chicken)

I am going to try this again soon...and it will be WAY more blog worthy.

So in my attempt to cook up a simmering batch of garbanzo beans I decided that I should get to have an adventure right?  Did i mention I have a secret love for hummus?  Cause I kinda do....I mean i try to be healthy, but they say you should get a lot of protein from plants not meat right?

So i didn't want to go to the store (and anyways where do you get tahini?!)
I heard that peanut butter is a good substitute....whoever told me that is a LIAR!

It did NOT turn out was like the weirdest thing ever....tragic waste.  Even worse was the plan I had for it that included a perfect chicken, some rice, garlic, bell peppers, it was Mediterranean heaven....except without the hummus.

Dear friends who lied about tahini....i will not share my amazing creations with you. (and I have heard this from a few people....)

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