Friday, November 2, 2012

Packet pick up

Ok so not 100% new because I did pick up the color me rad race packets for like 8 people, but it wasn't chaos, and it wasn't intimidating!

When I did my triathlon in June I had my mom pick it up for me because my work schedule was crazy that day.

So today after work I ran to packet pick up---I already had my bib number (thanks to constant communication from my email) so i hopped in my line....where all they gave me was a bib.  For some reason I pictured in my mind that it would be really cool, and I would get this super awesome bag full of totally awesome goodies and they would tell me good luck and I would be done. I guess my reason for this was that I always see people with bags and never thought about how all of the goodies got there? No clue?

So I took my random blah bib and walked the other direction for a bag and then the OTHER direction to the VERY end for my shirt where they marked off my size and I left....disappointment? yes

Guess it will be an adventure! Stay tuned for my half marathon experience...

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