Monday, November 12, 2012

Paper mâché bowl

You know those things that SOUND like a good idea even though they are far from it?  Another pinterest disaster coming your way!

So I have seen the cover the bowl in paper mache used making your own paste of flower and water. I was SUPER excited about this one, making the decision to get up early Saturday morning and making the paste before dashing quickly out the door to buy some newspaper and coffee around the corner.  (yes I paid money for this paper)  I came home got out my favorite large pyrex bowl and started tearing paper.  It was pretty relaxing to tell the truth, brainless yet detail oriented work.  My husband got up and started helping me and we had a fun time.  We waited until late afternoon the next day for it to dry, and then decided to pop it in the oven at about 125 for a few hours.

Now the question was how to get it off....I did think about this when reading the post that I started from, but it didn't seem like it would be an I went for it.  Peeling the paper off my favorite bowl to create one of equal size....not really my forte, even though there were times that we were convinced it would work out just fine.....i now have my favorite bowl yet....but the time spent covering it is gone....guess I will have to go the balloon route and make a less perfect bowl shaped one....

maybe next time...

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